My Fat Friend


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George Rose and John Lithgow watch with concern as Lynn adds extra sugar to her already sweetened breakfast cereal


1974 saw Lynn's return to Broadway, in the hit comedy "My Fat Friend," an ugly duckling story with Lynn as an overweight young woman who attracts the attention of a potential suitor (James Ray Weeks.)  With the help of her friends/roommates (George Rose and John Lithgow), she sheds the extra pounds -- and thus loses the affection of her admirer who, it turns out, has a fat fetish. Produced in a less politically correct time, the play climaxed in an amazing scene where Lynn removed her baggy outerwear to reveal her newly svelte figure. Audiences, completely fooled by the padding she had worn in earlier scenes, gasped in amazement. 
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Lynn, George Rose, and John Lithgow
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The only joint appearance of George Rose and John Lithgow in drag, as they demonstrate to Lynn that her size is more than ample.